
Top Backers
Was very impressed with the quality of the first video; keep it up!
Voxiversity is a series of educational video lectures by bestselling political philosopher Vox Day.
Castalia House reaches tens of thousands of people through the medium of books. The ideas first presented in books such as SJWs Always Lie, 4th Generation Warfare Handbook, and The Irrational Atheist have penetrated even those institutions most converged by social justice, such as academia and the media. But Castalia’s reach is limited to an audience of people who enjoy reading books.
Video offers the ability to reach millions of people in a very short period of time. But the distribution of video is entirely different than book-selling, as most people who watch videos expect to do so for free. Video production is also more expensive, and the combination of those two factors is why it is necessary to crowdfund the production of videos containing the same kind of viral information that one so often encounters in Castalia’s non-fiction books.
The videos will be 20-minutes long, and subjects that require more detailed analysis will be addressed by multi-video series. The videos will also be released as podcasts for those who prefer audio to video.
Voxiversity will change the way people think. Help us reach them and free their minds by supporting it.
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One-time donation
Pledge $5 per month
Access to monthly subscribers-only QA session.
One video transcript in EPUB and PDF formats every month.
SJWAL in ebook.
Pledge $15 per month
Access to monthly subscribers-only QA session.
All video transcripts in EPUB and PDF formats every month.
Collected Columns Vols. I to III in ebook.
Pledge $50 per month
Access to monthly subscribers-only QA session.
All video transcripts in EPUB and PDF formats every month.
Collected Columns Vols. I to III in ebook.
Special Voxiversity hardcover editions of SJWAL and SJWADD.
One vote on Video of the Month topic.
Pledge $100 per month
Access to monthly subscribers-only QA session.
All video transcripts in EPUB and PDF formats every month.
Signed Voxiversity hardcover editions of SJWAL and SJWADD.
One vote on Video of the Month topic.
Ability to nominate prospective Video of the Month topic.
Pledge $200 per month
Access to monthly subscribers-only QA session.
All video transcripts in EPUB and PDF formats every month.
Signed special hardcover editions of SJWAL and SJWADD.
Two votes on Video of the Month topic.
Ability to nominate prospective Video of the Month topic.
Ability to select topic for one 20-minute Voxiversity video (selection subject to Vox’s approval).
Brainstorm membership.
Pledge $500 per month
Access to monthly subscribers-only QA session.
All video transcripts in EPUB and PDF formats every month.
Signed special hardcover editions of SJWAL and SJWADD
Five votes on Video of the Month topic.
Ability to nominate prospective Video of the Month.
Ability to select topic for three-part Voxiversity video series (selection subject to Vox’s approval).
Brainstorm membership.
Invitation to annual Foundation Dinner with Vox Day in Italy. (Two nights lodging and meals provided for member and one guest, transportation not included.)