Will Caligan’s Comic

Top Backers
God bless you Will Caligan!
This is a special one-week campaign designed to provide work for Will Caligan, a military veteran, a Christian, and a comic artist who was swarmed by SJWs and lost his publishing arrangement due to his willingness to stand up for his beliefs about right and wrong. All of the funds raised will go to paying for the production of one or more comics illustrated by Will that will be published by Arkhaven. The graphic novel – or novels – will be based on novels chosen by the backers that have been contributed by various authors, and comics legend Chuck Dixon will be providing the initial adapted script for free. A Gold-rate team of colorists, Arklight Studios, will provide the colors for the cover at a steep discount.
For more details about Will’s story, please read the article written by Megan Fox . Will is a Desert Storm veteran and Airborne Counterintelligence Agent who attained the rank of Specialist. Here are several examples of Will’s work. To see more of them, please visit .
The authors who have granted permission to utilize their graphic novel rights for this project are: Nick Cole (The End of the World as We Knew It), Peter Grant (Rocky Mountain Retribution) , Lawdog (The Lawdog Files), Rolf Nelson (The Stars Came Back), Kai Wai Cheah (Flashpoint: Titan), Rawle Nyanzi (Sword and Flower), and John C. Wright (Swan Knight’s Son). The choice of the novel to be adapted will be made by the backers in an email poll.
The precise size of the graphic novel will depend upon the novel adapted, but it is expected to be around 132 pages. Will Caligan’s comic will be published in a series of 22-page comics and as a single graphic novel, in black-and-white format with a full color cover. A color interior is one of the stretch goals. Below is an example of the coloring done by the Arklight Studios team for an Alt★Hero cover.
50 percent of the revenues derived from any subsequent sales of the comics and graphics novels will go to Will and the direct contributors to producing the comic.
Showing Support
This is for backers who aren’t interested in comics, but simply wish to show their support for Mr. Cadigan and the right of Christians, conservatives, and military veterans to stand up for their beliefs without fear of losing their job. Backers at this level will not receive a vote on the selection of the source material.
Iron Star: Digital
This is to receive all of the digital editions of the comic series and the graphic novels funded by this campaign. This currently means the digital editions of Book 1, Book 2, and Book 3 including the 18 digital single-issues that comprise them.
Bronze Star: Paperback
This is to receive the paperback edition of the collected digital editions in a single graphic novel. All digital editions will also be received.
Add-on: Paperback #2
This is to receive the paperback edition of the collected digital editions of Book #2 in a single graphic novel. All digital editions will also be received.
Add-on: Paperback #3
This is to receive the paperback edition of the collected digital editions of Book #3 in a single graphic novel. All digital editions will also be received.
Silver Star: Hardcover
This is to receive the signed hardcover edition of the collected digital editions in a single graphic novel. All digital editions will also be received.
Add-on: Hardcover #2
This is to receive the signed hardcover edition of the collected digital editions of Book #2 in a single graphic novel. All digital editions will also be received.
Add-on: Hardcover #3
This is to receive the signed hardcover edition of the collected digital editions of Book #3 in a single graphic novel. All digital editions will also be received.
Gold Star: The Works
This is to receive the individual issues, the paperback, and the signed hardcover edition of the collected digital editions in a single graphic novel. All digital editions will also be received. All editions will be shipped together when the graphic novel is complete; we will not be shipping the individual comics on an issue-by-issue basis since we are not set up for that.
Note: this includes all digital editions and all single-issue volumes for all the books. However, if a Gold Star backer wants the subsequent hardcovers and paperbacks, the relevant add-ons will be required.
Add-on: The Works #2
This is to receive the paperback and the signed hardcover edition of the collected single-issue volumes of Book #2. All editions will be shipped together when the graphic novel is complete; we will not be shipping the individual comics on an issue-by-issue basis since we are not set up for that. Everyone backing at the Gold Star level is already receiving all the digital editions and single-issue volumes.
Add-on: The Works #3
This is to receive the paperback and the signed hardcover edition of the collected single-issue volumes of Book #3. All editions will be shipped together when the graphic novel is complete; we will not be shipping the individual comics on an issue-by-issue basis since we are not set up for that. Everyone backing at the Gold Star level is already receiving all the digital editions and single-issue volumes.
Stretch Goals
Book One: Full Color Interior
If this stretch goal is hit, the interior pages will be colored by a team of professional colorists.
Book Two
If this stretch goal is hit, Arkhaven will commission and publish a second graphic novel from Will Caligan, to be published in black-and-white with a full-color cover.
Book Two: Full Color Interior
If this stretch goal is hit, the interior pages of the second book will be colored by a team of professional colorists.
Book Three
If this stretch goal is hit, Arkhaven will commission and publish a third graphic novel from Will Caligan, to be published in black-and-white with a full-color cover.
Book Three: Full Color Interior
If this stretch goal is hit, the interior pages of the third book will be colored by a team of professional colorists.